About Us
Who We Are
College We are followers of Jesus Christ who join together as a local “body of Christ” to worship and serve God, celebrating that joy, and sharing the good news of Jesus with those we encounter. We believe God desires all people to come to Christ and welcome anyone who is searching for truth that is revealed in a personal relationship with God.
What We Believe
We believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live as a human and to pay the penalty for humanity’s sin through His death on the cross and resurrection to overcome death. Everyone who believes in Him as the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation gains a relationship as a child of God with the assurance of eternal life in heaven with Him. We believe in the Holy Trinity—one God of three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We practice baptism by immersion in following Christ’s example of publicly acknowledging our being reborn in Spirit to a new life in and with Him. We affirm the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message.
What We Are About
Our purpose is to serve God by loving people, being God’s hands and feet in sharing the good news of Jesus, and using all the resources God provides. We focus on the harmony of spirit and purpose, building one another up in love as a key to spiritual development. We rely on the Holy Spirit to lead, comfort, teach and guide us. We teach from the Bible, God’s holy word, relying on it as the ultimate, complete guide to learning and following God’s will for humanity, and for His people specifically. We practice two sacraments: Baptism by immersion and Holy Communion.